Myths about Second Marriages
The idea of starting a second marriage can bring excitement, fear, anxiety, and joy to someone who was previously divorced. According to a Pew Study in 2013, 40% of all marriages are those in which at least one partner is remarrying. Because second adolescence is a stage of divorce, many people looking to remarry may be blinded with optimism about how their new relationship will turn out. Although it is good to have an open mind and be excited about a new relationship, you should be wary of these common misconceptions about second marriages.
Families will blend with effortless ease.
This marriage will be completely different than your first marriage.
Although you might have nothing but negative things to say about your previous spouse, it is important that you reflect on your contribution to the ending of your first marriage. Otherwise, your second marriage might be a repeat of your first. Even if your partner seems like complete opposites of your first spouse, patterns may repeat themselves if you have not properly analyzed your prior marriages.
Your child or children will love their new step-parent as much as you do.
Your child will support your new marriage.
Everything can be solved
The hard truth is that not every disagreement can be solved. Communication certainly helps the process of blending families, but it won’t cure all problems. Some problems will require acceptance instead of resolution.
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