10+ Exercises for Couples: How to Improve Your Relationship at Home
Schedule an Activity
One thing that has been found helpful by some experts is scheduling time to spend together. Even if it is just watching a movie, you are still actively spending time with your partner and having fun!
In addition to scheduling this time together, it is important that each member of the relationship schedules time for themselves as individuals. This promotes independence between each partner which makes the other person feel special instead of like they’re competing for your time! Creating an “us time” is also important. This means having your own activities or interests outside of the relationship, but which you enjoy doing as a couple from time to time.
Active Listening
Spend Time with Friends and Family Together
Do the "Self as Sender" Technique
Another technique you could try at home is called “self as sender.” With this technique, one person first shares something about themselves and then asks the other what they may be feeling or noticing after hearing this information from their partner. This helps each person get in touch with their own feelings and thoughts about the other person.
Go on a Date
Couples can also try to use a journal together where they can express their thoughts and feelings with one another and about the relationship. Journaling as a couple teaches each partner to take responsibility for their feelings and thoughts, instead of blaming the other for how they feel.
Try a New Hobby
Design a Space in Your House for Each Individual
Especially during COVID times, it is important for couples to have their own space as well. This means both partners should each have a personal area where they can go and not feel the need to constantly stay in contact with one another all day long. You and your partner could work together on designing your spaces with your own interests in mind. While time together is very important, individual time and space are equally important to a healthy relationship. Couples should also have their own interests and hobbies outside of each other. This will help them keep balance in their time together, as well as give you both something new to talk about whenever you get the chance!
Set Aside Time to Talk
Set aside time for one another every day, even if it’s just 15 minutes each. You could spend this time talking about your feelings, going on a walk together or having some quiet conversation. What you do in this time is less important than the fact that you’re taking time for each other. Make your home a safe space for one another to share feelings and thoughts without fear of judgment. One way couples can do this is by having “talk” times where they turn the TV, phone or computer off and just talk about their days, emotions, worries, or dreams with less distractions interfering.
Use this time to try a conversation game or share an experience from childhood that you remember fondly. When sharing these things with your partner, be mindful of the mood you’re both in. If it’s a difficult time for one or both of you, then don’t share those memories and instead do something else. This is an important exercise because it helps people get to know their partners better by learning more about them as people.
Try Something New in the Bedroom
Lastly, couples can try something new in the bedroom! If they have been on the same routine for years with no variation, give it some spice and flip roles every now and then. Experimenting sexually is not only exciting but also leads to improved intimacy and knowledge about your partner.
Achieving your goals as a couple can be done by setting attainable and realistic expectations. It is important that you take the time to invest in your relationship. The fact that you are even searching out exercises to improve your relationship shows you are committed and interested in deepening the intimacy with your partner. If you need more assistance in improving your relationship, reach out to me today!
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